Move Up Day

Our first (hopefully annual) Move Up Day experience was a success!

The sanctuary was filled with cheers as our students left chapel with the teacher for the next grade level. K-Prep students, our future Kindergarteners, visited the Kindergarten room. Our Kindergarten students visited Grade 1, and on and on our students Moved Up for about an hour.

Each classroom visit was a little different, but all our students enjoyed time to explore the classroom and get to know the teacher.

Our Grade 5 students were hosted by the current Grade 7 class. The Grade 7 students presented a skit and led a middle-school focsued game.

Our Grade 8 students were hosted by the high school members of the National Honor Society CCS Chapter. These NHS students led a fun game followed by a Q&A time.

We can’t wait to welcome offiically into these grades in the fall!

Joy PressComment