A Principal for a Day

This year the option to be “Principal for a Day” returned to our virtual auction. This is always a great experience for the winning bidder!

This year, Miss B served as the guest principal, and what a fun and busy day she had!

After reporting for duty, she quickly learned the daily plans of a prinicpal are often changed at the last minute! She quickly jumped in to fill in as a substitute library volunteer by checking in and shelving books.

Next, she attended a morning Administrator’s Meeting where she enjoyed her special snack from Dunkin’. She set her rule for the day, granting each elementary class 10 minutes of additional recess! After writing up this special announcement, she visited each class to deliver the good news in person. Her announcement was met with a warm cheer from all the students.

Throughout the day she also enjoyed a special lunch with a friend, and even conducted teacher observations. A highlight of her day was participating in Pi Day for Grades 6-12. Miss B. sampled a few pies, judged the creative submissions, and helped to track the digits in the Pi Recitation competition.

When asked about her day, Miss B. shared the following.

“Today I am principal. I didn’t need my backpack! I got to judge the pi and the pi art. I checked in the books in and got 3 bites of pie. I announced 10 more minutes of play today. I ate subway!!!!!!!!!!! Principal for a daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!”

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