LEVEL UP Compassion Fundraiser & Day of Service Celebration

Our LEVEL UP Compassion fall fundraiser was a great success! What a blessing to see so many of our families work together!

During the fundraiser Cornerstone received over $56,000 in donations! The first 7%, approximately $4,000, was used to LEVEL UP Compassion through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries!  Over $51,000 will remain as a net-proceeds to benefit Cornerstone Christian School.

On November 14th we gathered as a school for a day for a day of celebration and service! Students worked in partner grades to complete several service projects including packing 108 Crisis Care Kits which will be shipped to Nazarene Compassionate Ministries and then distributed in response to a future crisis. 

A huge “thank you” to everyone who participated in our fundraiser.

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