Family Devotions on Right Now Media

What if you could have access to hundreds of biblically based devotional videos, bible studies for adults, teens and children, movies and more - for FREE?!? You do!

All Cornerstone families, students, alumni and friends can access Right Now Media through the school’s subscription. CLICK HERE to sign up!

One way to utilize Right Now Media is to support your family's devotions. Select from a wide variety of studies, fun videos, and even worship songs.

If you have children that love science, check out Faith Lab Family Devotions! Each 10-minute video uses a science experiment as an object lesson to explore scientific concepts while learning truths from the Gospel!

If you are looking to enjoy music together, check out Family Worship at Home, a series of short videos that include a theme verse, song video, hand motions, and short, interactive teaching moments.

Parents and teens can connect by watching short videos on a variety of topics as well!

Joy PressComment